KBJ manufacturs single, double flange track rollers and carrier rollers with operational weight from 6tons up to 125 tons.Majority of the rollers are forged and welded using friction welding technology for prolong operation life and produced according to original equipment manufacturer specifications.
KBJ rollers are specifically heat-treated via induction and differential method to achieve hardness levels pre-determined by our qualified engineers for maximum resistance during operation in all terrain conditions.

KBJ manufactures track chains ranging from 135mm to 317 mm link pitch consisting of traditional dry and sealed excavator track chains to lubricated chains for high performance mining dozers.KBJ track links, pins and bushings are specifically heat-determined by our qualified engineers for maximum resistance during operation in all terrain conditions.
Sealed link assemblies are fitted with polyurethane seals and sealed with synthetic oil for lubrication purposes to reduce damage from harmful dirt particles and enhance operational wear life.

KBJ offers a wide range of idlers and sprockets/segment groups ranging from 6 to 125 tons.All “bolt on ” sprockets are steel-casted and heat-treated using induction method to achieve the pre-determined surface and inner core hardness level.
KBJ idlers comes in either steel- casting or fabricated welding and are fitted with reinforced sidewalls that are specially heat-treated for prolong durability and extensive resistance to chipping.